Tuesday, June 29

Lots and lots of CRAZY!

This month has been nuts.  Plain nuts.  It all started with hubby and I going on a marriage retreat.  It was great, we had friends watching the kidlits (even the newest one!).  Next my mom came to visit for 2 full weeks.  It was fun, but mom was EXHAUSTED from the kids.  She flies back with N to the main land and keeps her there the following 2 weeks... G is not happy about this.  Not happy at all.  Wailing for N all over the house not happy.  Not eating not happy... Serious non happiness...  During this Hubby and I sell the van (FINALLY) and are now looking for a new one.  On top of that we are also looking for somewhere to move now too (hubby drives an average of 2 hours home each day... It would be nice for him if we lived closer...)

Anyway, now I am expecting N's return and my MIL's arrival.  MIL will be here a full month.  I am so EXCITED!!!!  She is lots of fun and helpful to boot! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We loved having N. visit...I am getting rested and am so happy for all the positive things happening in your life...love Grandma Ginny